
Diablo II on Vista

If you try to install Diablo 2 on Vista you may get this error:

Error in script file Setupdat\inst.ins, line 14: undefined symbol (desktop)
First, you need to add the a registry key in the following location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Shell Folders

If there is no key named "Programs" add one of type string with the following contents:

C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs

Exactly as shown. If there is no key named "Desktop" add one also:



Unknown said...

You are boss :)

I search all links on google with that problem and the last one was Yours :)

Works :)

Thanks a lot ! :)

Joe Dahlquist said...

Worked for me too! Thank you very much.

finoyvoy said...

Thank you so much!

-P said...

Thanks a bunch Bombcar, you rock!

Unknown said...

You, are, the man. I found the first registry fix on almost every other site, but it was the "Desktop fix" that completed it and got me back into the game I know and love. I waited in line, then installed it on June 29, 2000, the day it was released. =] Great find man, you're helping a lot of folks out.

Unknown said...

Worked like a charm! I'm very happy now.

sehr gut! ^_~

Unknown said...

Awesome! THANKS!

RecklessG said...

I am installing the Diablo 2 on win 7 32bit.
Encountered the same problems as everyone.
"No start menu entry found"
the string line 14 error "desktop"
Every place you look is saying to correct the registry.
I tried that but it wont work.
And I figured out why.
Do exactly as its been told to find the right place to correct the reg but instead of putting in the long line C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs just click new/string line and write Programs and do the same with Desktop simply write Desktop and I got it installed. At the end of intallation it said had error to put all the links and shortcuts but its not a bother. Game runs smooth. enjoy.
Sorry about my grammar errors but english is not my native language.

Aaron said...

Perfect!!! Kudos to you! :) Adding the Desktop key worked. I'm running on Win 7 32-bit. Thanks a bunch!